Celebrated Peal『#16_カンタヴィルの幽霊』



The Canterville Ghost
Original and Japanese translation

The second appearance of the ghost was on Sunday night.

The Canterville Ghost


Shortly after they had gone to bed they were suddenly alarmed by a fearful crash in the hall.

The Canterville Ghost


Rushing down-stairs, they found that a large suit of old armour had become detached from its stand, and had fallen on the stone floor, while seated in high-backed chair was the Canterville ghost, rubbing his knees with an expression of acute agony on his face.

The Canterville Ghost


The twins, having brought their pea-shooters with them, at once discharged two pellets on him, with that accuracy of aim which can only be attained by long and careful practice on a writing-master, while the United States Minister covered him with his revolver, and called upon him, in accordance with Californian etiquette, to hold up his hand!

The Canterville Ghost


The ghost started up with a wild shriek of rage, and swept through them like a mist, extinguishing Washington Otis's candle as he passed, and so leaving them all in total darkness.

The Canterville Ghost


On reaching the top of the staircase he recovered himself, and determined to give his celebrated peal of demoniac laughter.

The Canterville Ghost


This he had on more than one occasion found extremely useful.

The Canterville Ghost


It was said to have turned Lord Raker's wig grey in a single night, and had certainly made three of Lady Canterville's French governesses give warning before their month was up.

The Canterville Ghost


Reference : The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning