


Original and Japanese translation

“Now lookee here!” said the man. “Where’s your mother?”

Great Expectations


“There, sir!” said I.

Great Expectations


He started, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder.

Great Expectations


“There, sir!” I timidly explained. “Also Georgiana. That’s my mother.”

Great Expectations


“Oh!” said he, coming back. “And is that your father alonger your mother?”

Great Expectations


“Yes, sir,” said I; “him too; late of this parish.”

Great Expectations


“Ha!” he muttered then, considering. “Who d’ye live with,—supposin’ you’re kindly let to live, which I han’t made up my mind about?”

Great Expectations

「ハッ!」その男はぶつぶつ言って考えていました。「一緒に住んでいるのはだれだ? 親切にも、此奴を生かしているのは? その人物のことを考えていなかった」

“My sister, sir,—Mrs. Joe Gargery,—wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, sir.”

Great Expectations


“Blacksmith, eh?” said he. And looked down at his leg.

Great Expectations


Reference : Great Expectations by Charles Dickens(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning