Then she stopped talking. Peter Punk and Polly Ponk both understood what she said because they had lived with her so long.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs
  1. subject: にひき
  2. predicate: りかいしている
  • 止め(やめ, stop)
  • 二匹(にひき, two animals)
  • 理解(りかい, understand)
  • 付き合い(つきあい, association)

Pink couldn’t understand because he was only a baby and he kept saying in animal language:—“Let’s go on. I don’t like this place. There’s nothing to eat here.”

  1. subject: ピンク
  2. predicate: はなす
  • 言葉(ことば, language/words)
  • 場所(ばしょ, place)
  • 食べ物(たべもの, food)

“I do think it’s a shame,” Polly Ponk said to Punk, “that the old woman should be turned out.

  1. predicate: ひどい
  • 追い出される(おいだされる, be driven out)

Did you see the way that stupid man slammed the door after we had gone?

  1. subject: ばかやろう
  2. predicate: ドアを・しめる
  • 馬鹿野郎(ばかやろう, idiot/fool)

I’d like to see him turn me out of my house that way. I’d give him such a peck on his red nose he wouldn’t try it again!

  • 赤い鼻(あかいはな, red nose)
  • 手出し(てだし, interfere/meddle)

But of course she is old, very old. I often wonder how old she really is.”

  • 年寄り(としより, elderly)
  • 何歳(なんさい, how old)

“She is over a hundred, I know,” said Punk.


“Yes, it is a shame she should have to go for that stupid booby.

  1. predicate: ひどい

‘Beefsteak-and-Onions’ I call him.


But it isn’t altogether his fault.


He’s only sent here from London by his uncle who owns the farm.”

  1. subject: かれ
  2. predicate: おくられる
  3. modifier: おじに

Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation