ending #3『the death of the hen』
Story with Japanese translation "How shall we get over?" said the cock. the death of the hen どうやって小川を渡ろうかと、おんどりは困りました。 Now in the brook there was a straw, and he said,"I will lay myself across, so that you may pass over on me." the death of the hen 小川にはワラがいました。 ワラが自分の上を通って良いと言いました。 But when the six mice had got […]
Procession of Animals #2『the death of the hen』
Story with Japanese translation And the cock ran to the willow and pulled the garland from the bough and brought it to the bride, and the bride gave him red silk, and he brought it to the brook, and the brook gave him water. the death of the hen おんどりはめんどりにガーランドを渡して、レッドシルクを受け取りました。 おんどりは小川にレッドシルクを渡して、水を受け取りました。 So then the cock […]
Greedy Eater #1『the death of the hen』Japanese translation
Story with Japanese translation Once on a time the cock and the hen went to the nut mountain, and they agreed beforehand that whichever of them should find a nut was to divide it with the other. the death of the hen おんどりとめんどりが木の実の山へ行きました。 彼らは見つけた木の実を分けることを事前に決めていました。 Now the hen found a great big nut, but said nothing […]