The Old Man in the Corner
Surviving letter #11『The Old Man in the Corner』New!!

Story with Japanese translation "The second letter was dated from Southampton," continued the old man in the corner calmly, "and, curiously enough, was the only letter which Kershaw professed to have received from Smethurst of which he had kept the envelope, and which was dated. The Old Man in the Corner 「次の手紙は差出元がサウサンプトンでした」 「カーショーが保管していた発信地つきの封筒はこの一通だけでした」 It was […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
an extended tour #10『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation I have a copy of both these letters here," added the man in the corner, as he took out a piece of paper from a very worn-out pocket-book, and, unfolding it very deliberately, he began to read:— The Old Man in the Corner コーナーの男が手紙のコピーを取り出して、読み始めました。 "'Sir,—Your preposterous demands for money are wholly […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
Lost Letter #9『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation "Kershaw, then in fairly prosperous circumstances, sent him a £10 note for the sake of old times. The Old Man in the Corner 「当時は裕福だったので、カーショーは10ポンド紙幣をバーカーに送りました」 The second, when the tables had turned, and Kershaw had begun to go downhill, Smethurst, as he then already called himself, sent his whilom friend £50. The […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
the Siberian millionaire #8『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation "Now, mind you, every one knows Smethurst, the Siberian millionaire. The Old Man in the Corner 「スメサーストは有名人です」 Kershaw's story that he had once been called Barker, and had committed a murder thirty years ago, was never proved, was it? The Old Man in the Corner 「スメサーストとバーカーが同一人物だとは証明されなかったのでしょう」 I am merely telling you […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
out of the country #7『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation Instinctively Polly had put down her paper; the mild stranger, with his nervous air and timid, watery eyes, had a peculiar way of telling his tale, which somehow fascinated her. The Old Man in the Corner ポリーはその男の話に引き込まれました。 "I don't know," he resumed, "if you remember the story which the German told […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
secret plan #6『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation "It appears that on the 10th of December, at about three o'clock in the afternoon, Karl Müller, the German, called on his friend, William Kershaw, for the purpose of collecting a small debt—some ten pounds or so—which the latter owed him. The Old Man in the Corner 「12月10日の午後三時ごろ、ドイツ人のカール・ミュラーが友人のウイリアム・カーショーを訪問しました。借金を取り立てに」 On arriving at […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
self-complacent man #5『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation The attitude of that timid man in the corner, therefore, was peculiarly exasperating, and she retorted with sarcasm destined to completely annihilate her self-complacent interlocutor. The Old Man in the Corner その事件に執心していたので、彼女は男の意見を腹立たしく思い、 うぬぼれた男を論破しようとしました。 "What a pity it is, in that case, that you do not offer your priceless services to our […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
Strange Case #4『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation "And yet," she remarked kindly but authoritatively, "this article, in an otherwise well-informed journal, will tell you that, even within the last year, no fewer than six crimes have completely baffled the police, and the perpetrators of them are still at large." The Old Man in the Corner 彼女は未解決の犯罪が多い事を彼に伝えました。 "Pardon me," […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
quaint personality #3『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation She had been reading an article in the Daily Telegraph. The Old Man in the Corner 彼女は新聞を読んでいました。 The article was palpitatingly interesting. The Old Man in the Corner 興味深い記事でした。 Had Polly been commenting audibly upon it? The Old Man in the Corner ポリーは記事について声に出していたのでしょうか? Certain it is that the man over there […]

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The Old Man in the Corner
journalist #2『The Old Man in the Corner』

Story with Japanese translation She was a personality, was Miss Burton of the Evening Observer. Her cards were printed thus:MISS MARY J. BURTON.Evening Observer. The Old Man in the Corner 彼女はイブニング・オブザーバー紙のミス・バートンという肩書を持っていました。 She had interviewed Miss Ellen Terry and the Bishop of Madagascar, Mr. Seymour Hicks and the Chief Commissioner of Police. The Old Man in […]

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