luckiest man #9『Hans in luck』
Story with Japanese translation "How can you ask?" answered Hans. "I shall be the luckiest fellow in the world, for if I find money whenever I put my hand in my pocket, there is nothing more left to want." Hans in luck ハンスはいつでも自分のポケットにお金が入っていることを望みました。 And so he handed over the goose to the pedlar and received […]
grinder #8『Hans in luck』
Story with Japanese translation And when he reached the last village, he saw a knife-grinder with his barrow; and his wheel went whirring round, and he sang, Hans in luck 最後の村にはナイフの研ぎ師がいました。 "My scissors I grind, and my wheel I turn; And all good fellows my trade should learn, For all that I meet with just […]
predicament #7『Hans in luck』
Story with Japanese translation "Yes, indeed," said Hans, weighing it in his hand, "very fine to be sure; but my pig is not to be despised." Hans in luck ハンスはガチョウの見事さを認めて、 自分の豚の事も自慢しました。 Upon which the peasant glanced cautiously on all sides, and shook his head. Hans in luck 小作人は周囲を用心深く見ました。 "I am afraid," said he, "that there […]
boast #6『Hans in luck』
Story with Japanese translation "Well, to be sure," said Hans, scratching his head. Hans in luck ハンスが言いました。 "Who would have thought it? of course it is a very handy way of getting meat when a man has a beast of his own to kill; but for my part I do not care much about cow […]
Miscalculation #5『Hans in luck』
Story with Japanese translation "Never mind," said Hans; "I can find a remedy. I will milk my cow at once." Hans in luck ハンスには対策がありました。 And tying her to a dry tree, and taking off his leather cap to serve for a pail, he began to milk, but not a drop came. Hans in luck 彼は牛の乳を搾りました。 […]
splurge #4『Hans in luck』
Story with Japanese translation Hans agreed most joyfully, and the peasant, swinging himself into the saddle, was soon out of sight. Hans in luck ハンスは小作人と別れました。 And Hans went along driving his cow quietly before him, and thinking all the while of the fine bargain he had made. Hans in luck ハンスは牛と一緒にのんびりと進みました。 "With only a piece […]
The Worth of That Cow #3『Hans in luck』
Story with Japanese translation And the horse began to trot, and Hans was thrown before he knew what was going to happen, and there he lay in the ditch by the side of the road. Hans in luck 馬が速足を始めました。 ハンスが馬から放り出されました。 The horse would have got away but that he was caught by a peasant who […]
the signal to increase speed #2『Hans in luck』
Story with Japanese translation "I can't help myself," said Hans, "I have this great lump to carry; to be sure, it is gold, but then I can't hold my head straight for it, and it hurts my shoulder." Hans in luck ハンスは金のランプの愚痴を言いました。 "I'll tell you what," said the horseman, "we will change; I will give […]
retirement allowance #1『Hans in luck』Japanese translation
Story with Japanese translation Hans had served his master seven years, and at the end of the seventh year he said,"Master, my time is up; I want to go home and see my mother, so give me my wages." Hans in luck ハンスは雇い主のために7年働きました。 彼は雇い主に退職を申し出ました。 "You have served me truly and faithfully," said the master; "as […]