Her purpose #18『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation When her guests went home in the starlit December dusk, Miss Cornelia walked part of the way with them and had a long confidential talk with Mrs. Grant. A Christmas Mistake ミス・コーネリアは帰り道の途中までお客を見送りました。 When she returned it was to find Hannah groaning in and over the kitchen and the schoolteacher dreamily trying […]
reconciliation #17『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation When Mrs. Grant and her family arrived at the yellow house next morning Miss Cornelia herself ran out bareheaded to meet them. A Christmas Mistake 翌朝、ミス・コーネリアは自らミセス・グラントと彼女の家族を出迎えました。 The two women shook hands a little stiffly and then a rill of long-repressed affection trickled out from some secret spring in Miss Cornelia's heart […]
It's a blessing in disguise #16『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation Miss Cornelia did think—to good purpose evidently, for her forehead smoothed out as her meditations proceeded and her face brightened. A Christmas Mistake 考え込んでいたミス・コーネリアの表情が明るくなりました。 Then she got up briskly. A Christmas Mistake 彼女は元気を取り戻しました。 "Well, you've done it and no mistake. A Christmas Mistake 「あなたは間違えました」 I don't know that I'm sorry, either. […]
embarrassed face #15『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation "Miss Millar, I am afraid I did make a mistake this morning—it has just dawned on me. A Christmas Mistake 「ミス・ミラー、私は間違えたかもしれません」 I am almost sure that I called at Mrs. Grant's and invited her and her family instead of the Smithsons. And she said they would come." A Christmas Mistake 「おそらく、私はミセス・グラントの家を訪問して、誘ったようです。スミスソン家の代わりに」 […]
childish #14『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation "Did you call and invite the Smithsons up to dinner as I told you?" asked Miss Cornelia anxiously. A Christmas Mistake ミス・コーネリアはディナーの誘いができたかどうか心配そうに尋ねました。 "Yes," was the dreamy response as he glided through the kitchen and vanished into the hall. A Christmas Mistake 彼は生返事で肯定しました。 Miss Cornelia crimped the edges of her pies delicately […]
Christmas anticipation #13『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation When the little Grants came home and heard the news, Teddy stood on his head to express his delight, the twins kissed each other, and Mary Alice and Gordon danced around the kitchen. A Christmas Mistake グラント家の幼い子供たちは大喜びでした。 Keith thought himself too big to betray any joy over a Christmas dinner, but […]
the cold relationship #12『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation Mrs. Grant and Cornelia Millar were cousins, and had once been the closest of friends, but that was years ago, before some spiteful reports and ill-natured gossip had come between them, making only a little rift at first that soon widened into a chasm of coldness and alienation. Therefore this invitation […]
short notice #11『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation "You and all the children—every one," went on the teacher dreamily, as if he were reciting a lesson learned beforehand. "She told me to tell you to be sure and come. Shall I say that you will?" A Christmas Mistake 彼は彼女の返事を求めました。 "Oh, yes, that is—I suppose—I don't know," said Mrs. Grant […]
It's too good to be true #10『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation He was a slight, pale, boyish-looking fellow, with an abstracted, musing look in his large dark eyes. A Christmas Mistake 彼は細身で、青白く、若い見た目の人でした。 Mrs. Grant noticed with amusement that he wore a white straw hat in spite of the season. A Christmas Mistake おかしなことに、彼はクリスマスの時期に白い麦わら帽子をかぶっていました。 His eyes were directed to her face with his […]
Teddy's Mischief #9『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation For the teacher's last call had been in October and had been occasioned by the fact that the irrepressible Teddy would persist in going to school with his pockets filled with live crickets and in driving them harnessed to strings up and down the aisle when the teacher's back was turned. […]