body double #3『The Rabbit's Bride』
Story with Japanese translation But the bride wept and said nothing, and the rabbit went away, but very soon came back again. The Rabbit's Bride 花嫁は答えませんでした。 “Get up! Get up!” said he, “the wedding folk are waiting.” The Rabbit's Bride ウサギは花嫁を励ましました。 But the bride wept and said nothing, and the rabbit went away. The Rabbit's […]
wedding guests #2『The Rabbit's Bride』
Story with Japanese translation Again, a third time back came the rabbit, and ate away at the cabbages, until the woman said to her daughter, “Go into the garden, and drive away the rabbit.” The Rabbit's Bride ウサギが戻ってきて、キャベツを食べ荒らしました。 女性はウサギを追い払うよう娘に言いました。 “Shoo! Shoo!” said the maiden; “don’t eat up all our cabbages, little rabbit!” The Rabbit's Bride […]
The Rabbit’s Invitation #1『The Rabbit's Bride』Japanese translation
Story with Japanese translation There was once a woman who lived with her daughter in a beautiful cabbage-garden; and there came a rabbit and ate up all the cabbages. The Rabbit's Bride 昔、美しいキャベツ畑に娘と暮らす一人の女性がいました。 ウサギがやって来て、キャベツを食べ荒らしました。 At last said the woman to her daughter, “Go into the garden, and drive out the rabbit.” The Rabbit's Bride その女性は自分の娘にウサギを追い払うよう言いました。 […]