“Well, what are we going to do with the old lady?” asked Ponk. “She can’t stay here.”

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs
  1. subject: わたしたち
  2. predicate: どうする?
  • 尋ねました (たずねました, asked)
  • 居られない (いられない, cannot stay)

“We will wait till she falls asleep,” said Punk. “Then we’ll go into the woods and find a cave for her to spend the night in and cook something to eat.”

  1. subject: わたしたち
  2. predicate: まつ
  • 過ごす (すごす, spend)

“Isn’t she asleep now?” asked Ponk. “Her eyes are shut.”

  1. subject: かのじょ
  2. predicate: ねる

“No,” said the dog, “she’s crying. Can’t you feel the seat shaking? She always shuts her eyes and shakes when she cries.”

  1. subject: かのじょ
  2. predicate: なく
  • 震えて (ふるえて, shaking/trembling)

Presently the old lady and the pig began to snore together.

  1. subject: ふたり
  2. predicate: いびきをかく

So they waked poor Pink up and all three went into the woods.

  1. subject: さんびき
  2. predicate: いく

They set Pink digging truffles and Polly Ponk went off to the river and caught a fine trout while Punk got sticks together and made a fire.

  • 立派な (りっぱな, splendid)
  • 捕まえました (つかまえました, caught)

Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation