unsettling atmosphere #4『The Canterville Ghost』

The Canterville Ghost(learn japanese through stories)

After Virginia came the twins, who were usually called “The Star and Stripes,” as they were always getting swished.

The Canterville Ghost

modifier: ちょうなん・ちょうじょのしたに
subject: ふたごが
predicate: いる

They were delightful boys, and, with the exception of the worthy Minister, the only true republicans of the family.

The Canterville Ghost

subject: かれらは
predicate: ゆかいな・しょうねんたち

As Canterville Chase is seven miles from Ascot, the nearest railway station, Mr. Otis had telegraphed for a waggonette to meet them, and they started on their drive in high spirits.

The Canterville Ghost

as: カンタヴィルチェイスが・えきから・とおいので
subject: ミスターオーティスが
predicate: よぶ
modifier: ワゴネットを・じぜんに

It was a lovely July evening, and the air was delicate with the scent of the pinewoods.

The Canterville Ghost


Now and then they heard a wood-pigeon brooding over its own sweet voice, or saw, deep in the rustling fern, the burnished breast of the pheasant.

The Canterville Ghost

modifier: ときどき
subject: かれらが
predicate: きこえる
modifier: モリバトの・あまいこえ

modifier: シダの・おくに
predicate: みえる
modifier: キジの・ひかるむね

Little squirrels peered at them from the beech-trees as they went by, and the rabbits scudded away through the brushwood and over the mossy knolls, with their white tails in the air.

The Canterville Ghost

subject: リスたちが
predicate: みつめる
modifier: かれらを・ブナのきから
as: オーティスいっかが・とおりすぎるとき

As they entered the avenue of Canterville Chase, however, the sky became suddenly overcast with clouds, a curious stillness seemed to hold the atmosphere, a great flight of rooks passed silently over their heads, and, before they reached the house, some big drops of rain had fallen.

The Canterville Ghost


Reference : The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde(project gutenberg)
Japanese grammar and condensed translation

japanese page

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