monstrous climate #7『The Canterville Ghost』
Story with Japanese translation “I knew Pinkerton would do it,” he exclaimed, triumphantly, as he looked round at his admiring family; The Canterville Ghost 「私はこうなることが分かっていました」 but no sooner had he said these words than a terrible flash of lightning lit up the sombre room, a fearful peal of thunder made them all start to their […]
history of the blood #6『The Canterville Ghost』
Story with Japanese translation “Yes, madam,” replied the old housekeeper in a low voice, “blood has been spilt on that spot.” The Canterville Ghost 「その場所で、血が流れました」 “How horrid!” cried Mrs. Otis; “I don't at all care for blood-stains in a sitting-room. It must be removed at once.” The Canterville Ghost 「すぐに血痕を消すべきです」 The old woman smiled, and […]
old-fashioned person #5『The Canterville Ghost』
Story with Japanese translation Standing on the steps to receive them was an old woman, neatly dressed in black silk, with a white cap and apron. The Canterville Ghost オールド・ウーマンが階段で彼らを出迎えました。 This was Mrs. Umney, the housekeeper, whom Mrs. Otis, at Lady Canterville's earnest, had consented to keep in her former position. The Canterville Ghost 彼女はミセス・アムニーで、 […]
unsettling atmosphere #4『The Canterville Ghost』
Story with Japanese translation After Virginia came the twins, who were usually called “The Star and Stripes,” as they were always getting swished. The Canterville Ghost 長男長女の下に、双子がいました。 They were delightful boys, and, with the exception of the worthy Minister, the only true republicans of the family. The Canterville Ghost 彼らは愉快な少年たちでした。 As Canterville Chase is seven […]
Otis family #3『The Canterville Ghost』
Story with Japanese translation Indeed, in many respects, she was quite English, and was an excellent example of the fact that we have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course, language. The Canterville Ghost イングランドはアメリカによく似ていました。もちろん、言語を除いて。 Her eldest son, christened Washington by his parents in a moment of patriotism, which he never ceased […]
occult #2『The Canterville Ghost』
Story with Japanese translation “Well, so does the family doctor for that matter, Lord Canterville. The Canterville Ghost 「ファミリードクターも人が死ぬ前に現れます」 But there is no such thing, sir, as a ghost, and I guess the laws of Nature are not going to be suspended for the British aristocracy.” The Canterville Ghost 「幽霊は存在しません」 “You are certainly very natural […]
hunted place #1『The Canterville Ghost』Japanese translation
Story with Japanese translation When Mr. Hiram B. Otis, the American Minister, bought Canterville Chase, every one told him he was doing a very foolish thing, as there was no doubt at all that the place was haunted. The Canterville Ghost ミスター・オーティスがカンタヴィルチェイスを買った時、皆が幽霊が出ることを伝えて彼を引き留めました。 Indeed, Lord Canterville himself, who was a man of the most punctilious honour, […]