A Dead Secret
love-letter #6『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation Dawn was breaking as the priest descended the stairs, to find the family waiting anxiously below. A Dead Secret ダイゲン和尚が階段を降りました。 オソノの親類が心配そうに待っていました。 "Do not be anxious," he said to them: A Dead Secret 和尚は彼らを安心させました。 "She will not appear again." A Dead Secret 「彼女はもう現れないでしょう」 And she never did. A Dead Secret 彼が言った通りでした。 The […]

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A Dead Secret
hidden letter #5『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation The priest uttered the holy formula prescribed in such cases, and then, addressing the figure by the kaimyo of O-Sono, said: A Dead Secret ダイゲン和尚がオソノの幽霊に話しかけました。 "I have come here in order to help you. A Dead Secret 「あなたを助けにきました」 Perhaps in that tansu there is something about which you have reason to […]

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A Dead Secret
wistful face #4『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation The mother of O-Sono's husband then went to the parish-temple, and told the chief priest all that had happened, and asked for ghostly counsel. A Dead Secret オソノの姑は和尚さんに助言を聞きに行きました。 The temple was a Zen temple; and the head-priest was a learned old man, known as Daigen Osho. He said: A Dead Secret […]

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A Dead Secret
empty tansu #3『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation Then the folk were afraid, and left the room. A Dead Secret 人々は怖がって逃げ出しました。 Below they consulted together; and the mother of O-Sono's husband said: A Dead Secret オソノの夫の母親が言いました。 "A woman is fond of her small things; and O-Sono was much attached to her belongings. A Dead Secret 「オソノは自分の持ち物が大事なのです」 Perhaps she has […]

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A Dead Secret
a shadow on water #2『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation On the night after the funeral of O-Sono, her little son said that his mamma had come back, and was in the room upstairs. A Dead Secret オソノの葬儀が終わった夜に、彼女の幼い息子は母親を見ました。 She had smiled at him, but would not talk to him: so he became afraid, and ran away. A Dead Secret 彼女の息子は、自分の母親を見たことを大人に話しました。 Then […]

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A Dead Secret
Kwaidan #1『A Dead Secret』Japanese translation

Story with Japanese translation A long time ago, in the province of Tamba, there lived a rich merchant named Inamuraya Gensuke. A Dead Secret むかし、タンバの国に裕福な商人が住んでいた。 He had a daughter called O-Sono. A Dead Secret 彼にはオソノという娘がいた。 As she was very clever and pretty, he thought it would be a pity to let her grow up with […]

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