Greedy Eater #1『the death of the hen』

the death of the hen(Learn Japanese by reading stories)

Once on a time the cock and the hen went to the nut mountain, and they agreed beforehand that whichever of them should find a nut was to divide it with the other.

the death of the hen

subject with particle: おんどりと・めんどりが
dictionary form predicate: いく
modifier: きのみの・やまへ

subject: かれらは
predicate: きめる
modifier: じぜんに・みつけた・きのみを・わけることを

Now the hen found a great big nut, but said nothing about it, and was going to eat it all alone, but the kernel was such a fat one that she could not swallow it down, and it stuck in her throat, so that she was afraid she should choke.

the death of the hen

subject: めんどりが
predicate: みつける
modifier: おおきな・きのみを

subject: かのじょは
predicate: たべる
modifier: だまって・ひとりで・それを

subject: かのじょは
predicate: つまる
modifier: きのみを・のどに

"Cock!" cried she, "run as fast as you can and fetch me some water, or I shall choke!"

the death of the hen

subject: かのじょは
predicate: たのむ
modifier: おんどりに・みずをもってくるよう

So the cock ran as fast as he could to the brook, and said, "Brook, give me some water, the hen is up yonder choking with a big nut stuck in her throat."

the death of the hen

subject: おんどりは
predicate: はしる
modifier: おがわに

subject: かれは
predicate: たのむ
modifier: みずが・ほしいと

But the brook answered, "First run to the bride and ask her for some red silk."

the death of the hen

subject: おがわが
predicate: こたえる
modifier: レッドシルクが・ほしいと

So the cock ran to the bride and said,
"Bride, give me some red silk; the brook wants me to give him some red silk; I want him to give me some water, for the hen lies yonder choking with a big nut stuck in her throat."

the death of the hen

subject: おんどりが
predicate: つたえる
modifier: めんどりに・おがわの・のぞみを

But the bride answered,
"First go and fetch me my garland that hangs on a willow."

the death of the hen

subject: めんどりが
predicate: こたえる
modifier: かれに・ガーランドをとってくるように

Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
Japanese grammar and condensed translation
