joint responsibility #4『six soldiers of fortune』

six soldiers of fortune(Learn Japanese by reading stories)

So the six went on until they came to a town where the king had caused it to be made known that whoever would run a race with his daughter and win it might become her husband, but that whoever lost must lose his head into the bargain.

six soldiers of fortune

subject with particle: 6にんが
dictionary form predicate: とうちゃくする
modifier: おうが・おふれを・だした・まちに

modifier: おうじょと・レースをして
subject: しょうしゃが
predicate: かのじょの・おっとになる
subject: はいしゃが
predicate: あたまを・うしなう

And the leader came forward and said one of his men should run for him.

six soldiers of fortune

subject: リーダーが
predicate: すすみでる・いう
modifier: なかまの・ひとりが・かわりに・はしる

"Then," said the king, "his life too must be put in pledge, and if he fails, his head and yours too must fall."

six soldiers of fortune

modifier: しっぱいすれば
subject: おまえたちは
predicate: れんたいせきにん

When this was quite settled and agreed upon, the leader called the runner, and strapped his second leg on to him.

six soldiers of fortune

subject: じょうけんが
predicate: きまる

subject: リーダーが
predicate: こていする
modifier: ランナーに・ふたつめの・あしを

"Now, look out," said he, "and take care that we win."

six soldiers of fortune

predicate: きをつける

It had been agreed that the one who should bring water first from a far distant brook should be accounted winner.

six soldiers of fortune

subject: とおくの・おがわから・みずを・さいしょに・もってきた・ものが
predicate: みなす
modifier: しょうしゃだと

Now the king's daughter and the runner each took a pitcher, and they started both at the same time; but in one moment, when the king's daughter had gone but a very little way, the runner was out of sight, for his running was as if the wind rushed by.

six soldiers of fortune

subject: おうじょと・ランナーが
predicate: しゅっぱつする
modifier: どうじに

modifier: すぐに
subject: ランナーが
predicate: きえる
modifier: しかいから

In a short time he reached the brook, filled his pitcher full of water, and turned back again.

six soldiers of fortune

modifier: みじかい・じかんで
subject: かれが
predicate: つく
modifier: おがわに

predicate: みたす
modifier: ピッチャーを・みずで

predicate: ひきかえす

About half-way home, however, he was overcome with weariness, and setting down his pitcher, he lay down on the ground to sleep.

six soldiers of fortune

modifier: とちゅうで
subject: かれが
predicate: まける
modifier: たいくつに

predicate: ねころがる
modifier: じめんに

But in order to awaken soon again by not lying too soft he had taken a horse's skull which lay near and placed it under his head for a pillow.

six soldiers of fortune

subject: かれが
predicate: おく
modifier: ちかくの・うまのずがいこつを
modifier: あたまの・したに

In the meanwhile the king's daughter, who really was a good runner, good enough to beat an ordinary man, had reached the brook, and filled her pitcher, and was hastening with it back again, when she saw the runner lying asleep.

six soldiers of fortune

subject: おうじょが
predicate: おいつく
modifier: かれに

Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
Japanese grammar and condensed translation

japanese page

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