Story with Japanese translation

“It is hot enough there: you may see for yourself,” answered the cook.

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: りょうりにんが
  • predicate: こたえる
  • modifier: めいれいに・したがった


And the king looked and saw an immense fire burning underneath the room of iron, and he began to think that the six men were not to be got rid of in that way.

six soldiers of fortune
  • modifier: ひが・もえているのを・たしかめて
  • subject: おうが
  • predicate: はんだんする
  • modifier: このほうほうで・はいじょできない


And he thought of a new plan by which it might be managed, so he sent for the leader and said to him,

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: おうが
  • predicate: おもいつく
  • modifier: あらたな・かいけつさくを


“If you will give up your right to my daughter, and take gold instead, you may have as much as you like.”

six soldiers of fortune
  • modifier: むすめを・あきらめるなら
  • subject: あなたは
  • predicate: もっていく
  • modifier: おうごんを・すきなだけ


“Certainly, my lord king,” answered the man; “let me have as much gold as my servant can carry, and I give up all claim to your daughter.”

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: リーダーが
  • predicate: うけいれる
  • modifier: おうの・ていあんを


And the king agreed that he should come again in a fortnight to fetch the gold.

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: リーダーが
  • predicate: もどる
  • modifier: にしゅうかんごに
  • predicate: うけとる
  • modifier: おうごんを


The man then called together all the tailors in the kingdom, and set them to work to make a sack, and it took them a fortnight.

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: リーダーが
  • predicate: つくる・させる
  • modifier: したてやに・ふくろを


And when it was ready, the strong man who had been found rooting up trees took it on his shoulder, and went to the king.

six soldiers of fortune
  • modifier: ふくろが・できると
  • subject: ストロングマンが
  • predicate: いく
  • modifier: ふくろを・かついで・おうのところへ


“Who is this immense fellow carrying on his shoulder a bundle of stuff as big as a house?” cried the king, terrified to think how much gold he would carry off.

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: おうが
  • predicate: しんぱい・する
  • modifier: どれだけの・おうごんが・うしなわれるのか


And a ton of gold was dragged in by sixteen strong men, but he put it all into the sack with one hand, saying,

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: ストロングマンが
  • predicate: いれる
  • modifier: よういされた・おうごん・すべてを
  • modifier: かたてで・ふくろに


“Why don’t you bring some more? this hardly covers the bottom!”

six soldiers of fortune


So the king bade them fetch by degrees the whole of his treasure, and even then the sack was not half full.

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: おうが
  • predicate: めいじる
  • modifier: ぜんざいさんを・もってくるように


“Bring more!” cried the man; “these few scraps go no way at all!”

six soldiers of fortune


Then at last seven thousand waggons laden with gold collected through the whole kingdom were driven up; and he threw them in his sack, oxen and all.

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: ストロングマンが
  • predicate: いれる
  • modifier: おうごんを・つんだ・ななせんだいの・わごんを
  • modifier: ふくろに


Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation