ending #3『the death of the hen』

Story with Japanese translation

"How shall we get over?" said the cock.

the death of the hen
  • subject: おんどり
  • predicate: こまる
  • modifier: どうやって・おがわを・わたろうか


Now in the brook there was a straw, and he said,
"I will lay myself across, so that you may pass over on me."

the death of the hen
  • modifier: おがわには
  • subject: ワラ
  • predicate: いる


  • subject: ワラ
  • predicate: いう
  • modifier: じぶんのうえを・とおってよいと


But when the six mice had got upon this bridge, the straw slipped and fell into the water and they all tumbled in and were drowned.

the death of the hen
  • modifier: ネズミたちが・ワラに・のったとき
  • subject: ワラ
  • predicate: しずむ
  • modifier: みずに


  • subject: ネズミたち
  • predicate: おぼれる


So they were as badly off as ever, when a coal came up and said he would lay himself across and they might pass over him; but no sooner had he touched the water than he hissed, went out, and was dead.

the death of the hen
  • subject: せきたん
  • predicate: やってくる・いう
  • modifier: じぶんのうえを・とおってよいと


  • modifier: みずに・ふれると
  • subject: せきたん
  • predicate: きえる


A stone seeing this was touched with pity, and, wishing to help the cock, he laid himself across the stream.

the death of the hen
  • modifier: どうじょうして
  • subject: いし
  • predicate: よこたえる
  • modifier: じぶんのからだを・みずのなかに


And the cock drew the waggon with the dead hen in it safely to the other side, and then began to draw the others who followed behind across too, but it was too much for him, the waggon turned over, and all tumbled into the water one on the top of another, and were drowned.

the death of the hen
  • subject: おんどり
  • predicate: ひっぱる
  • modifier: めんどりがのったワゴンを・むこうぎしまで・ぶじに


  • subject: おんどり
  • predicate: ひっぱる
  • modifier: うしろについてきたどうぶつたちを


  • modifier: ワゴンが・ひっくりかえり
  • subject: どうぶつたち
  • predicate: おちる・おぼれる
  • modifier: みずに


So the cock was left all alone with the dead hen, and he digged a grave and laid her in it, and he raised a mound above her, and sat himself down and lamented so sore that at last he died.

the death of the hen
  • subject: おんどり
  • predicate: ひとり


  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: ほる
  • modifier: はかあなを


  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: うめる
  • modifier: めんどりを


  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: なげきかなしむ・なくなる


And so they were all dead together.

the death of the hen
  • subject: ぜんいん
  • predicate: なくなる


Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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