wedding guests #2『The Rabbit's Bride』
Story with Japanese translation
Again, a third time back came the rabbit, and ate away at the cabbages, until the woman said to her daughter, “Go into the garden, and drive away the rabbit.”
The Rabbit's Bride
- subject: ウサギ
- predicate: もどる
- predicate: たべる・あらす
- modifier: キャベツを
- subject: じょせい
- predicate: いう
- modifier: むすめに・ウサギをおいはらえと
“Shoo! Shoo!” said the maiden; “don’t eat up all our cabbages, little rabbit!”
The Rabbit's Bride
- subject: むすめ
- predicate: いう
- modifier: ウサギに・キャベツをたべるなと
“Come, maiden,” said the rabbit, “sit on my tail and go with me to my rabbit-hutch.”
The Rabbit's Bride
- subject: ウサギ
- predicate: さそう
- modifier: むすめを・じぶんのこやへ
And then the girl seated herself on the rabbit’s tail, and the rabbit took her to his hutch.
The Rabbit's Bride
- subject: しょうじょ
- predicate: のる
- modifier: うさぎの・しっぽに
- subject: ウサギ
- predicate: つれていく
- modifier: かのじょを・じぶんの・こやへ
“Now,” said he, “set to work and cook some bran and cabbge; I am going to bid the wedding guest.”
The Rabbit's Bride
- predicate: りょうり・する
- modifier: ふすまと・キャベツの
- subject: わたし
- predicate: よぶ
- modifier: ゲストを
And soon they were all collected.
The Rabbit's Bride
- modifier: すぐに
- subject: ゲスト
- predicate: あつまる
Would you like to know who they were?
The Rabbit's Bride
- subject: あなた
- predicate: しりたい?
- modifier: かれらが・なにものなのか
Well, I can only tell you what was told to me; all the hares came, and the crow who was to be the parson to marry them, and the fox for the clerk, and the altar was under the rainbow.
The Rabbit's Bride
- subject: あつまったのは
- predicate: ノウサギたちと・ぼくしのカラスと・しょきのキツネだった
But the maiden was sad, because she was so lonely.
The Rabbit's Bride
- subject: そのむすめ
- predicate: かなしむ
- modifier: ひとりぼっちだったから
“Get up! Get up!” said the rabbit, “the wedding folk are all merry.”
The Rabbit's Bride
- subject: ウサギ
- predicate: はげます
- modifier: むすめを
Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation