love-letter #6『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation

Dawn was breaking as the priest descended the stairs, to find the family waiting anxiously below.

A Dead Secret
  • subject: ダイゲンおしょうが
  • predicate: おりる
  • modifier: かいだんを


  • subject: オソノの・しんるいが
  • predicate: まつ
  • modifier: しんぱいそうに


"Do not be anxious," he said to them:

A Dead Secret
  • subject: おしょうが
  • predicate: あんしん・させる
  • modifier: かれらを


"She will not appear again."

A Dead Secret
  • subject: かのじょは
  • predicate: あらわれる・ひてい


And she never did.

A Dead Secret


The letter was burned.

A Dead Secret
  • subject: てがみが
  • predicate: もえる


It was a love-letter written to O-Sono in the time of her studies at Kyoto.

A Dead Secret
  • subject: てがみは
  • predicate: がくせいじだいの・こいぶみ


But the priest alone knew what was in it; and the secret died with him.

A Dead Secret
  • modifier: かれの・しとともに
  • subject: オソノの・ひみつが
  • predicate: きえる


Reference : Kwaidan by Lafcadio Hearn (project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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