Hidden Truth #3『A Christmas Mistake』

Story with Japanese translation

"And we're going to have turkey for dinner," declared Teddy, getting up off the floor and rushing to secure his share of bread and molasses, "and cranberry sauce and—and—pound cake! Ain't we, Ma?"

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: テディが
  • predicate: だんげん・する


  • subject: わたしたちは
  • predicate: たべる
  • modifier: ディナーで・ターキーを


"No, you are not," said Mrs. Grant desperately, dropping the dishcloth and snatching the baby on her knee to wipe the crust of cinders and molasses from the chubby pink-and-white face.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: ミセス・グラントが
  • predicate: ひてい・する


"You may as well know it now, children, I've kept it from you so far in hopes that something would turn up, but nothing has.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: あなたたちは
  • predicate: しる
  • modifier: それを


We can't have any Christmas dinner tomorrow—we can't afford it.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: わたしたちが
  • predicate: たべる
  • modifier: クリスマスディナーを


I've pinched and saved every way I could for the last month, hoping that I'd be able to get a turkey for you anyhow, but you'll have to do without it.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: わたしが
  • predicate: せつやく・する


  • subject: あなたたちが
  • predicate: すごす
  • modifier: ターキーなしの・クリスマスを


There's that doctor's bill to pay and a dozen other bills coming in—and people say they can't wait.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: せいきゅうしょが
  • predicate: とどく
  • modifier: たくさん


I suppose they can't, but it's kind of hard, I must say."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: せいきゅうしょの・しはらいが
  • predicate: むずかしい


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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