sensitive topic #7『A Christmas Mistake』

Story with Japanese translation

The noisy group grew silent as they always did when their father was spoken of.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: うるさい・しゅうだんが
  • predicate: しずまる


He had died the year before, and since his death the little family had had a hard time.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: ちちおやが
  • predicate: なくなる
  • modifier: さくねん


Keith, to hide his feelings, began to hector the rest.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: キースが
  • predicate: どなる
  • modifier: じぶんの・きもちを・かくして


"Mary Alice, do hurry up. Here, you twin nuisances, get off to school. If you don't you'll be late and then the master will give you a whipping."

A Christmas Mistake
  • predicate:いく
  • modifier: がっこうに
  • predicate: しかる
  • modifier: せんせいに


"He won't," answered the irrepressible Teddy.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: テディが
  • predicate: ひてい・する


"He never whips us, he doesn't. He stands us on the floor sometimes, though," he added, remembering the many times his own chubby legs had been seen to better advantage on the school platform.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: せんせいは
  • predicate: たたく
  • predicate: たつ
  • modifier: わたしたちを


"That man," said Mrs. Grant, alluding to the teacher, "makes me nervous. He is the most abstracted creature I ever saw in my life.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: ミセス・グラントが
  • predicate: いう


  • subject: かれは
  • predicate: ぼんやり


It is a wonder to me he doesn't walk straight into the river some day.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれは
  • predicate: あるく
  • modifier: いつか・かわに


You'll meet him meandering along the street, gazing into vacancy, and he'll never see you nor hear a word you say half the time."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれは
  • predicate: あるく
  • modifier: ボーっとして・とおりを


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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