childish #14『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation
"Did you call and invite the Smithsons up to dinner as I told you?" asked Miss Cornelia anxiously.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: ミス・コーネリア
- predicate: たずねる
- modifier: ディナーの・さそいが・できたかどうか・しんぱいそうに
"Yes," was the dreamy response as he glided through the kitchen and vanished into the hall.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: かれ
- predicate: こうてい・する
- modifier: なまへんじで
Miss Cornelia crimped the edges of her pies delicately with a relieved air.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: ミス・コーネリア
- predicate: あんしん・する
"I made certain he'd forget it," she said.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: かのじょ
- predicate: きめつける
- modifier: かれが・わすれたと
"You just have to watch him as if he were a mere child.
A Christmas Mistake
- modifier: かれが・こどもだとおもって
- predicate: めんどう・みる
Didn't I catch him yesterday starting off to school in his carpet slippers? And in spite of me he got away today in that ridiculous summer hat.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: かれ
- predicate: いく
- modifier: しつないばきで・がっこうへ
- predicate: でかける
- modifier: なつぼうしで
You'd better set that jelly in the out-pantry to cool, Hannah; it looks good.
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: ひやすほうがよい
- modifier: そのゼリーを
We'll give those poor little Smithsons a feast for once in their lives if they never get another."
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: ごちそう・する
- modifier: スミスソンの・こどもたちに
At this juncture the hall door flew open and Mr. Palmer appeared on the threshold.
A Christmas Mistake
- modifier: そのとき
- subject: ミスター・パーマー
- predicate: あらわれる
He seemed considerably agitated and for once his eyes had lost their look of space-searching.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: かれ
- predicate: どうよう・する
- modifier: そうとう
Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation