Her purpose #18『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation
When her guests went home in the starlit December dusk, Miss Cornelia walked part of the way with them and had a long confidential talk with Mrs. Grant.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: ミス・コーネリア
- predicate: みおくる
- modifier: おきゃくを・かえりみちの・とちゅうまで
When she returned it was to find Hannah groaning in and over the kitchen and the schoolteacher dreamily trying to clean some molasses off his boots with the kitchen hairbrush.
A Christmas Mistake
- modifier: かのじょが・きたくすると
- subject: ハンナ
- predicate: うめきごえを・あげる
- modifier: キッチンで
- subject: せんせい
- predicate: とる
- modifier: とうみつを・ブーツから・キッチンヘアブラシで
Long-suffering Miss Cornelia rescued her property and despatched Mr. Palmer into the woodshed to find the shoe-brush.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: ミス・コーネリア
- predicate: そうじ・する
- modifier: へやを
- predicate: とる
- modifier: ミスター・パーマーに・くつブラシを
Then she sat down and laughed.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: かのじょ
- predicate: すわる・わらう
"Hannah, what will become of that boy yet?
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: わたし
- predicate: しんぱい
- modifier: かれの・ゆくすえが
There's no counting on what he'll do next.
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: よそくふかのう
- modifier: かれのこうどうは
I don't know how he'll ever get through the world, I'm sure, but I'll look after him while he's here at least.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: わたし
- predicate: かれの・めんどうを・みる
- modifier: かれが・ここにいるあいだ
I owe him a huge debt of gratitude for this Christmas blunder.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: わたし
- predicate: かりがある
- modifier: かれに
What an awful mess this place is in!
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: このばしょ
- predicate: ひどい
But, Hannah, did you ever in the world see anything so delightful as that little Tommy Smithson stuffing himself with plum cake, not to mention Teddy Grant?
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: リトル・トミー・スミスソン
- predicate: たべる
- modifier: プラムケーキを
It did me good just to see them."
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: わたし
- predicate: まんぞく
- modifier: それをみて
Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation