Good News #1『A Christmas Mistake』Japanese translation
Story with Japanese translation
"Tomorrow is Christmas," announced Teddy Grant exultantly, as he sat on the floor struggling manfully with a refractory bootlace that was knotted and tagless and stubbornly refused to go into the eyelets of Teddy's patched boots. "Ain't I glad, though. Hurrah!"
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: あした
- predicate:クリスマス
- subject: テディ・グラント
- predicate: よろこぶ
His mother was washing the breakfast dishes in a dreary, listless sort of way.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: ははおや
- predicate: あらう
- modifier: さらを
She looked tired and broken-spirited.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: かのじょ
- predicate: つかれる
Ted's enthusiasm seemed to grate on her, for she answered sharply:
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: てっどの・ねつい
- predicate: いらだつ
"Christmas, indeed. I can't see that it is anything for us to rejoice over.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: わたし
- predicate: わかる(ひてい)
- modifier: なにが・よろこばしいのか
Other people may be glad enough, but what with winter coming on I'd sooner it was spring than Christmas.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: わたし
- predicate: うれしい
- modifier: はるになるほうが
Mary Alice, do lift that child out of the ashes and put its shoes and stockings on.
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: はく
- modifier: くつと・ストッキングを
Everything seems to be at sixes and sevens here this morning."
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: なにもかも
- predicate: ゴタゴタ
Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation