filial son #5『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation
"Don't cry, children, you make me feel worse.
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: なく(ひてい)
We are not the only ones who will have to do without a Christmas turkey.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: ターキーなしで・すごす・かぞく
- predicate: わたしたちだけ・ではない
- modifier: クリスマスに
We ought to be very thankful that we have anything to eat at all.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: わたしたち
- predicate: かんしゃ・する
- modifier: たべるものがあることに
I hate to disappoint you, but it can't be helped."
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: ターキーが・ないこと
- predicate: しかたない
"Never mind, Mother," said Keith, comfortingly, relaxing his hold upon the porch door, whereupon it suddenly flew open and precipitated Teddy, who had been tugging at the handle, heels over head backwards.
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: きにする(ひてい)
- subject: キース
- predicate: なぐさめる
"We know you've done your best.
A Christmas Mistake
- subject: わたしたち
- predicate: わかる
- modifier: あなたが・さいぜんを・つくしたこと
It's been a hard year for you.
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: たいへんな・いちねん
Just wait, though.
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: まつ
I'll soon be grown up, and then you and these greedy youngsters shall feast on turkey every day of the year.
A Christmas Mistake
- modifier: わたしが・おとなに・なったら
- subject: かあさんと・きょうだいたち
- predicate: たべる
- modifier: ターキーを
Hello, Teddy, have you got on your feet again? Mind, sir, no more blubbering!"
A Christmas Mistake
- predicate: なく
Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation