It's too good to be true #10『A Christmas Mistake』

Story with Japanese translation

He was a slight, pale, boyish-looking fellow, with an abstracted, musing look in his large dark eyes.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: ほそみ・あおじろい・わかくみえる・ひと


Mrs. Grant noticed with amusement that he wore a white straw hat in spite of the season.

A Christmas Mistake
  • modifier: おかしなことに
  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: かぶる
  • modifier: クリスマスのじきに・しろい・むぎわらぼうしを


His eyes were directed to her face with his usual unseeing gaze.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: むける
  • modifier: かのじょに・うつろなしせんを


"Just as though he was looking through me at something a thousand miles away," said Mrs. Grant afterwards.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: みる
  • modifier: かのじょをとおして・とおくの・なにかを


"I believe he was, too. His body was right there on the step before me, but where his soul was is more than you or I or anybody can tell."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれのからだ
  • predicate: めのまえ
  • subject: かれのたましいがあるばしょ
  • predicate: だれにも・わからない


"Good morning," he said absently. "I have just called on my way to school with a message from Miss Millar.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: とどける
  • modifier: でんごんを


She wants you all to come up and have Christmas dinner with her tomorrow."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: でんごん
  • predicate: さそい
  • modifier: ミス・ミラーから・クリスマスディナーの


"For the land's sake!" said Mrs. Grant blankly. "I don't understand."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: ミセス・グラント
  • predicate: ぼうぜん


To herself she thought, "I wish I dared take him and shake him to find if he's walking in his sleep or not."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かのじょ
  • predicate: たしかめる
  • modifier: かれが・しょうきなのか


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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