“I assure you,” he resumed at last, “that at that very moment the whole mystery was, to me, as clear as daylight.

The Old Man in the Corner
  1. subject: そのミステリーのぜんよう
  2. predicate: あきらかとなる
  • 全容(ぜんよう, entirety)
  • 明らか(あきらか, clear)

I only marvelled how his Honour could waste his time and mine by putting what he thought were searching questions to the accused relating to his past.

  • 裁判長(さいばんちょう, judge)
  • 無駄(むだ, waste)

Francis Smethurst, who had quite shaken off his somnolence, spoke with a curious nasal twang, and with an almost imperceptible soupçon of foreign accent, He calmly denied Kershaw’s version of his past; declared that he had never been called Barker, and had certainly never been mixed up in any murder case thirty years ago.

  1. subject: スメサースト
  2. predicate: ひていする
  • 否定(ひてい, denial)
  • 巻き込まれた(まきこまれた, involved)

“‘But you knew this man Kershaw,’ persisted his Honour, ‘since you wrote to him?’

  1. subject: あなた
  2. predicate: しっている

“‘Pardon me, your Honour,’ said the accused quietly, ‘I have never, to my knowledge, seen this man Kershaw, and I can swear that I never wrote to him.’

  1. subject: わたし
  2. predicate: あっていない
  • 被告人 (ひこくにん, Defendant)

“‘Never wrote to him?’ retorted his Honour warningly. ‘That is a strange assertion to make when I have two of your letters to him in my hands at the present moment.’

  • 妙な (みょうな, Strange)
  • 主張 (しゅちょう, Claim)

“‘I never wrote those letters, your Honour,’ persisted the accused quietly, ‘they are not in my handwriting.’

  1. predicate: わたしの・ひっせきではない
  • 筆跡 (ひっせき, Handwriting)

“‘Which we can easily prove,’ came in Sir Arthur Inglewood’s drawly tones, as he handed up a packet to his Honour; ‘here are a number of letters written by my client since he has landed in this country, and some of which were written under my very eyes.’


“As Sir Arthur Inglewood had said, this could be easily proved, and the prisoner, at his Honour’s request, scribbled a few lines, together with his signature, several times upon a sheet of note-paper. It was easy to read upon the magistrate’s astounded countenance, that there was not the slightest similarity in the two handwritings.

  1. subject: ひこくにん
  2. predicate: しょうめいする

Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy (project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation