“A fresh mystery had cropped up.

The Old Man in the Corner
  1. subject: なぞ
  2. predicate: みつかる

Who, then, had made the assignation with William Kershaw at Fenchurch Street railway station?

  1. predicate: みっかいする

The prisoner gave a fairly satisfactory account of the employment of his time since his landing in England.

  1. subject: ひこくにん
  2. predicate: せつめいする
  • 納得(なっとく, convincing)

“‘I came over on the Tsarskoe Selo,’ he said, ‘a yacht belonging to a friend of mine.


When we arrived at the mouth of the Thames there was such a dense fog that it was twenty-four hours before it was thought safe for me to land.


My friend, who is a Russian, would not land at all; he was regularly frightened at this land of fogs.


He was going on to Madeira immediately.


“‘I actually landed on Tuesday, the 10th, and took a train at once for town.

  1. subject: わたし
  2. predicate: とうかに・じょうりくする
  • 上陸(じょうりく, landing)

I did see to my luggage and a cab, as the porter and driver told your Honour; then I tried to find my way to a refreshment-room, where I could get a glass of wine.

  1. subject: わたし
  2. predicate: わいんをのむ
  3. modifier: きゅうけいしつで
  • 休憩室(きゅうけいしつ, lounge)
  • 飲みました(のみました, drank)

I drifted into the waiting-room, and there I was accosted by a shabbily dressed individual, who began telling me a piteous tale.

  1. subject: わたし
  2. predicate: こえをかけられる
  3. modifier: まちあいしつで
  • 待合室(まちあいしつ, waiting room)
  • 立ち寄りました(たちよりました, stopped by)

Who he was I do not know.


He said he was an old soldier who had served his country faithfully, and then been left to starve.

  1. subject: かれ
  2. predicate: ろうへい・ひもじい
  • 老兵(ろうへい, old soldier)
  • ひもじい(hungry)
  • 思い(おもい, feeling)

He begged of me to accompany him to his lodgings, where I could see his wife and starving children, and verify the truth and piteousness of his tale.


Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy (project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation