“‘Well, your Honour,’ added the prisoner with noble frankness, ‘it was my first day in the old country.
The Old Man in the Corner
- subject: そのひ
- predicate: しょにち
- 裁判長(さいばんちょう, judge)
- 被告人(ひこくにん, defendant)
I had come back after thirty years with my pockets full of gold, and this was the first sad tale I had heard; but I am a business man, and did not want to be exactly “done” in the eye.
- subject: これ
- predicate: さいしょの・かなしい・はなし
- 最初(さいしょ, first)
- 悲しい(かなしい, sad)
- 商売人(しょうばいにん, merchant)
I followed my man through the fog, out into the streets.
- subject: わたし
- predicate: ついていく
- 街路(がいろ, street)
He walked silently by my side for a time.
I had not a notion where I was.
- subject: わたし
- predicate: わからない
“‘Suddenly I turned to him with some question, and realized in a moment that my gentleman had given me the slip.
- subject: わたし
- predicate: ふりむく・さとる
- 不意に(ふいに, suddenly)
- 疑問(ぎもん, doubt)
- 振り向いて(ふりむいて, turned around)
- 悟りました(さとりました, realized)
Finding, probably, that I would not part with my money till I had seen the starving wife and children, he left me to my fate, and went in search of more willing bait.
- subject: かれ
- predicate: わたしをみかぎる
“‘The place where I found myself was dismal and deserted.
- subject: そのばしょ
- predicate: ひとどおりのない
- 物寂しい(ものさびしい, desolate)
- 場所(ばしょ, place)
I could see no trace of cab or omnibus.
I retraced my steps and tried to find my way back to the station, only to find myself in worse and more deserted neighbourhoods.
- subject: わたし
- predicate: まよいこむ
I became hopelessly lost and fogged.
- subject: わたし
- predicate: みちにまよう
- 混乱(こんらん, confusion)
I don’t wonder that two and a half hours elapsed while I thus wandered on in the dark and deserted streets; my sole astonishment is that I ever found the station at all that night, or rather close to it a policeman, who showed me the way.’
- subject: にじかんはん
- predicate: けいかする
- 人通り(ひとどおり, pedestrian traffic)
- 経過(けいか, passage)
- 不思議(ふしぎ, wonder)
Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy (project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation