in the dock #15『The Old Man in the Corner』
Story with Japanese translation
"So close that it almost looks as if it had been shaved.
The Old Man in the Corner
- subject: かれは
- predicate: たんぱつ
- modifier: けを・そっているようにみえるくらい
Exactly. That is what struck me most when I elbowed my way into the court that morning and first caught sight of the millionaire in the dock.
- modifier: わたしが・ほうていで・みたときに
- subject: かれの・ふうぼうが
- predicate: いちばん・しょうげきてき
He was a tall, soldierly-looking man, upright in stature, his face very bronzed and tanned.
- subject: かれは
- predicate: せが・たかく
- predicate: しせいが・よく
- predicate: ひにやけた・かおで
- predicate: ぐんじんのよう
He wore neither moustache nor beard, his hair was cropped quite close to his head, like a Frenchman's; but, of course, what was so very remarkable about him was that total absence of eyebrows and even eyelashes, which gave the face such a peculiar appearance—as you say, a perpetually astonished look.
- subject: かれは
- predicate: ひげが・なく
- predicate: たんぱつ
- modifier: フランスぐんじんのように
- subject: かれは
- predicate: まゆげと・まつげが・ない
- subject: そのとくちょうが
- predicate: かれのひょうじょうを・おどろいているように・みせる
"He seemed, however, wonderfully calm; he had been accommodated with a chair in the dock—being a millionaire—and chatted pleasantly with his lawyer, Sir Arthur Inglewood, in the intervals between the calling of the several witnesses for the prosecution; whilst during the examination of these witnesses he sat quite placidly, with his head shaded by his hand.
- subject: かれは
- predicate: おちついているように・みえる
- modifier: ほうていで
"Müller and Mrs. Kershaw repeated the story which they had already told to the police.
- subject: ミュラーと・ミセス・カーショーが
- predicate: くりかえす
- modifier: けいさつに・はなした・ストーリーを
I think you said that you were not able, owing to pressure of work, to go to the court that day, and hear the case, so perhaps you have no recollection of Mrs. Kershaw.
- modifier: あなたは・ほうていに・いけなかった
- subject: あなたは
- predicate: ミセス・カーショーの・きおくが・ない
No? Ah, well! Here is a snapshot I managed to get of her once. That is her.
- subject: わたしが
- predicate: とる
- modifier: かのじょの・しゃしんを
Exactly as she stood in the box—over-dressed—in elaborate crape, with a bonnet which once had contained pink roses, and to which a remnant of pink petals still clung obtrusively amidst the deep black.
- subject: これは
- predicate: かのじょが・しょうにんせきにたったときの・しゃしん
Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy (project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation