The Old Man in the Corner
illustrious member #1『The Old Man in the Corner』Japanese translation

Story with Japanese translation The man in the corner pushed aside his glass, and leant across the table. The Old Man in the Corner コーナーの男がテーブルに身を乗り出しました。 "Mysteries!" he commented. "There is no such thing as a mystery in connection with any crime, provided intelligence is brought to bear upon its investigation." The Old Man in the […]

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love-letter #6『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation Dawn was breaking as the priest descended the stairs, to find the family waiting anxiously below. A Dead Secret ダイゲン和尚が階段を降りました。 オソノの親類が心配そうに待っていました。 "Do not be anxious," he said to them: A Dead Secret 和尚は彼らを安心させました。 "She will not appear again." A Dead Secret 「彼女はもう現れないでしょう」 And she never did. A Dead Secret 彼が言った通りでした。 The […]

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hidden letter #5『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation The priest uttered the holy formula prescribed in such cases, and then, addressing the figure by the kaimyo of O-Sono, said: A Dead Secret ダイゲン和尚がオソノの幽霊に話しかけました。 "I have come here in order to help you. A Dead Secret 「あなたを助けにきました」 Perhaps in that tansu there is something about which you have reason to […]

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wistful face #4『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation The mother of O-Sono's husband then went to the parish-temple, and told the chief priest all that had happened, and asked for ghostly counsel. A Dead Secret オソノの姑は和尚さんに助言を聞きに行きました。 The temple was a Zen temple; and the head-priest was a learned old man, known as Daigen Osho. He said: A Dead Secret […]

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empty tansu #3『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation Then the folk were afraid, and left the room. A Dead Secret 人々は怖がって逃げ出しました。 Below they consulted together; and the mother of O-Sono's husband said: A Dead Secret オソノの夫の母親が言いました。 "A woman is fond of her small things; and O-Sono was much attached to her belongings. A Dead Secret 「オソノは自分の持ち物が大事なのです」 Perhaps she has […]

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a shadow on water #2『A Dead Secret』

Story with Japanese translation On the night after the funeral of O-Sono, her little son said that his mamma had come back, and was in the room upstairs. A Dead Secret オソノの葬儀が終わった夜に、彼女の幼い息子は母親を見ました。 She had smiled at him, but would not talk to him: so he became afraid, and ran away. A Dead Secret 彼女の息子は、自分の母親を見たことを大人に話しました。 Then […]

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Kwaidan #1『A Dead Secret』Japanese translation

Story with Japanese translation A long time ago, in the province of Tamba, there lived a rich merchant named Inamuraya Gensuke. A Dead Secret むかし、タンバの国に裕福な商人が住んでいた。 He had a daughter called O-Sono. A Dead Secret 彼にはオソノという娘がいた。 As she was very clever and pretty, he thought it would be a pity to let her grow up with […]

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The Jungle Book
Children’s Protection #11『The Jungle Book』

Story with Japanese translation Mother Wolf threw herself down panting among the cubs, and Father Wolf said to her gravely: The Jungle Book 母オオカミが子供たちの中に倒れました。 “Shere Khan speaks this much truth. The cub must be shown to the Pack. Wilt thou still keep him, Mother?” The Jungle Book 父オオカミはその子供を守るのかと母オオカミに尋ねました。 “Keep him!” she gasped. “He came naked, […]

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The Jungle Book
Raksha #10『The Jungle Book』

Story with Japanese translation The tiger’s roar filled the cave with thunder. The Jungle Book トラの唸り声がオオカミの洞穴を満たしました。 Mother Wolf shook herself clear of the cubs and sprang forward, her eyes, like two green moons in the darkness, facing the blazing eyes of Shere Khan. The Jungle Book 母オオカミが跳び出して、シア・カーンの前に立ちはだかりました。 “And it is I, Raksha [The Demon], who […]

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The Jungle Book
pursuer #9『The Jungle Book』

Story with Japanese translation “Shere Khan does us great honor,” said Father Wolf, but his eyes were very angry. “What does Shere Khan need?” The Jungle Book 「シア・カーンは何を求める?」 “My quarry. A man’s cub went this way,” said Shere Khan. “Its parents have run off. Give it to me.” The Jungle Book 「私に子供を渡せ」 Shere Khan had […]

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