“Now who’s going to do the cooking?” asked Punk.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs
- subject: だれ
- predicate: りょうりする
- 誰 (だれ, who)
- 料理 (りょうり, cooking)
- 尋ねました (たずねました, asked)
“Oh, I’ll do that,” said Ponk.
“Can you cook?” asked the dog.
“Indeed I can,” said Polly Punk. “My Aunt Deborah used to cook at a hotel and she showed me how. You get the fire burning and I’ll soon have the fish fried.”
- subject: おばさん
- predicate: わたしに・みせる
So very soon they had a nice meal ready of fried trout and truffles for the old lady.
- subject: かれら
- predicate: よういする
- 美味しい(おいしい, delicious)
- 食事(しょくじ, meal)
- 用意(ようい, preparation)
“Now,” said Punk, “we must go into the cave and get a bed ready for Mrs. Tubbs.”
- 洞窟(どうくつ, cave)
So they went into the cave and made a fine, soft bed of leaves.
- subject: かれら
- predicate: つくる
Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation