“What shall we do for a pillow,” asked Punk. “Shall we use the pig, he would be nice and soft?”
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs
- predicate: ピンクを・まくらにする
- 枕(まくら, pillow)
- 素敵(すてき, lovely/beautiful)
- 柔らか(やわらか, soft)
“No,” said Ponk, “I’m going to use him as a hot-water bottle.
- predicate: ピンクを・ゆたんぽにする
- 湯たんぽ(ゆたんぽ, hot water bottle)
It’s very important to keep the old lady’s feet warm.
- subject: あしを・あたためること
- predicate: だいじ
- 温める(あたためる, warm)
- 大事(だいじ, important)
But I have some feathers back home which will make a fine pillow.
- subject: わたし
- predicate: はねを・もっている
They are some of my own which I kept last moulting season.”
- subject: はね
- predicate: じぶんのもの
- 去年(きょねん, last year)
- 換毛期(かんもうき, molting season)
“What did you do that for?” asked Punk.
- predicate: なんのために?
“Well,” said the duck, standing first on one foot then on the other, “the fact is I’m not getting any younger myself and I thought that if, when I am very old, I should get bald, I could have them stuck on with glue or something.
- modifier: はげたら
- subject: わたし
- predicate: はりつける
- 片足立ち(かたあしだち, standing on one leg)
- 年寄り(としより, elderly person)
- 接着剤(せっちゃくざい, adhesive)
I’ll fly over to the farm and fetch them. I know just where I put them: they’re in the left-hand drawer of my bureau under my lavender bonnet.”
- subject: わたし
- predicate: とってくる
With a flap of her wings she flew over the tree-tops to the farm and in a minute was back again with the feathers in a bag.
- subject: ポンク
- predicate: とぶ
Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation