evil plan #6『six soldiers of fortune』New!!

six soldiers of fortune(Learn Japanese by reading stories) "Now, go in there and make yourselves comfortable," said the king. six soldiers of fortune subject with particle: おうがdictionary form predicate: さそうmodifier: かれらをmodifier: へやの・なかに王は彼らを部屋の中に誘いました。 And when they had gone in, he had the door locked and bolted. six soldiers of fortune modifier: 6にんが・へやに・はいるとsubject: おうがpredicate: かぎをかけるmodifier: ドアに6人が部屋に入ると、王はドアに鍵をかけました。 Then […]

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winner #5『six soldiers of fortune』New!!

six soldiers of fortune(Learn Japanese by reading stories) "The day is mine," said she with much joy, and she emptied his pitcher and hastened on. six soldiers of fortune subject with particle: おうじょがdictionary form predicate: おおよろこび王女は大喜びでした。 subject: かのじょがpredicate: あけるmodifier: かれの・ピッチャーをpredicate: さきを・いそぐ彼女は彼のピッチャーを空けて、先を急ぎました。 And now all had been lost but for the huntsman who was standing on […]

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joint responsibility #4『six soldiers of fortune』New!!

six soldiers of fortune(Learn Japanese by reading stories) So the six went on until they came to a town where the king had caused it to be made known that whoever would run a race with his daughter and win it might become her husband, but that whoever lost must lose his head into the […]

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all together #3『six soldiers of fortune』New!!

six soldiers of fortune(Learn Japanese by reading stories) So the blower got down and went with them, and after a time they came to a man standing on one leg, and the other had been taken off and was lying near him. six soldiers of fortune subject with particle: ブロワーがdictionary form predicate: くわわるmodifier: かれらの・なかまにブロワーが彼らの仲間に加わりました。 modifier: […]

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dependable companions #2『six soldiers of fortune』New!!

six soldiers of fortune(Learn Japanese by reading stories) And when they had gone on a little while, they came to a huntsman who was kneeling on one knee and taking careful aim with his rifle. six soldiers of fortune modifier: かれらが・さきへ・すすむとsubject with particle: りょうしがdictionary form predicate: ひざをつく・ねらいをつけるmodifier: ライフルで彼らが先へ進むと、猟師が膝をついてライフルで狙いをつけていました。 "Huntsman," said the leader, "what are you […]

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unsatisfactory result #1『six soldiers of fortune』

six soldiers of fortune(Learn Japanese by reading stories) There was once a man who was a Jack-of-all-trades; he had served in the war, and had been brave and bold, but at the end of it he was sent about his business, with three farthings and his discharge. six soldiers of fortune modifier: むかしsubject with particle: […]

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luckiest man #9『Hans in luck』

Hans in luck(Learn Japanese by reading stories) "How can you ask?" answered Hans. "I shall be the luckiest fellow in the world, for if I find money whenever I put my hand in my pocket, there is nothing more left to want." Hans in luck subject with particle: ハンスがdictionary form predicate: のぞむmodifier: いつでも・じぶんのポケットに・おかねがはいっていることをハンスはいつでも自分のポケットにお金が入っていることを望みました。 And so […]

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grinder #8『Hans in luck』

Hans in luck(Learn Japanese by reading stories) And when he reached the last village, he saw a knife-grinder with his barrow; and his wheel went whirring round, and he sang, Hans in luck modifier: さいごの・むらにはsubject with particle: ナイフの・とぎしがdictionary form predicate: いる最後の村にはナイフの研ぎ師がいました。 "My scissors I grind, and my wheel I turn; And all good fellows my […]

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predicament #7『Hans in luck』

Hans in luck(Learn Japanese by reading stories) "Yes, indeed," said Hans, weighing it in his hand, "very fine to be sure; but my pig is not to be despised." Hans in luck subject with particle: ハンスがdictionary form predicate: みとめるmodifier: ガチョウが・みごとなことをハンスはガチョウの見事さを認めて、 predicate: じまん・するmodifier: じぶんの・ぶたのことも自分の豚の事も自慢しました。 Upon which the peasant glanced cautiously on all sides, and shook his […]

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boast #6『Hans in luck』

Hans in luck(Learn Japanese by reading stories) "Well, to be sure," said Hans, scratching his head. Hans in luck subject with particle: ハンスがdictionary form predicate: いうハンスが言いました。 "Who would have thought it? of course it is a very handy way of getting meat when a man has a beast of his own to kill; but for […]

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