- Conversations between animals #3『The Story of Mrs. Tubbs』with NihongoThen she stopped talking. Peter Punk and Polly Ponk both understood what she said because they had lived with her so long. The Story of Mrs. Tubbs 日本語訳:そのあと、ミセス・タブスはしゃべるのを止めました。ピーター・パンクとポリー・ポンクの二匹は、彼女の言った事を理解していました。彼女と付き合いが長かったので。 Pink couldn’t understand because he was only a baby and he kept saying in animal language:—“Let’s go on. I don’t like this place. There’s nothing to eat… Read more: Conversations between animals #3『The Story of Mrs. Tubbs』with Nihongo
- one fine day #2『The Story of Mrs. Tubbs』with NihongoThe old woman did not own the farm although she had lived on it so long. The Story of Mrs. Tubbs 日本語訳:おばあさんはその農場を所有していませんでした。ずっとそこに住んでいたのに。 The farm belonged to a man up in London who never came there at all. その農場は、ロンドンにいてまったく姿を見せない男のものでした。 This man, one fine day at the end of summer when the leaves were beginning to fall… Read more: one fine day #2『The Story of Mrs. Tubbs』with Nihongo
- #1『The Story of Mrs. Tubbs』with NihongoOnce upon a time, many, many years ago, there lived a very old woman and her name was Mrs. Tubbs. The Story of Mrs. Tubbs 日本語訳:ずっと昔に、とても長生きのおばあさんが暮らしていました。彼女の名前はミセス・タブスでした。 She lived on a little farm, way off in the country. 彼女は田舎の外れにある小さな農場に住んでいました。 Her little house stood on the edge of the woods, not very far from a village with… Read more: #1『The Story of Mrs. Tubbs』with Nihongo
- The two overwhelming points #28『The Old Man in the Corner』 with nihongo“‘But how do you account for Kershaw knowing all your movements?’ still persisted his Honour, ‘and his knowing the exact date of your arrival in England? How do you account for these two letters, in fact?’ The Old Man in the Corner 「『しかし、カーショーがあなたの行動すべてを知っていたことをどう説明するのです?』裁判長がしつこく続けました。『彼はあなたがイングランドに到着する正確な日付を知っていましたよね?あなたは例の二通の手紙をどう説明するのです?』 “‘I cannot account for it or them, your Honour,’ replied the prisoner… Read more: The two overwhelming points #28『The Old Man in the Corner』 with nihongo