Here are the stories in English with Japanese translations.
- uninterested curiosity#21『The Old Man in the Corner』 with Japanese translation"Francis Smethurst was rousing himself from his apathy; he whispered to his lawyer, who nodded with a bland smile of encouragement. The Old Man in the Corner フランシス・スメサーストは無関心だった態度を翻しました。 彼は弁護士にささやきました。 すると弁護士は柔和な笑みを浮かべて頷きました。 The employés of the Hotel Cecil gave evidence as to the arrival of Mr. Smethurst at about 9.30 p.m. on Wednesday, December the 10th, in… Read more: uninterested curiosity#21『The Old Man in the Corner』 with Japanese translation
- Constable's testimony#20『The Old Man in the Corner』 with Japanese translation"The next witness, Constable Thomas Taylor, had noticed a shabbily dressed individual, with shaggy hair and beard, loafing about the station and waiting-rooms in the afternoon of December the 10th. The Old Man in the Corner 「次の目撃者はトーマス・テイラー巡査でした。12月10日の午後に、ヒゲと髪の毛がぼさぼさの、みすぼらしい服装の人物が駅と待合室でうろついているのを彼は目撃していました」 He seemed to be watching the arrival platform of the Tilbury and Southend trains. 「その人物はティルベリーとサウスエンドの列車の到着口を注視しているようでした」 "Two separate and… Read more: Constable's testimony#20『The Old Man in the Corner』 with Japanese translation
- driver's testimony#19『The Old Man in the Corner』 with Japanese translation"The prosecution insisted most strongly upon the hour when the stranger in the fur coat, having seen to his luggage, walked away towards the waiting-rooms. The Old Man in the Corner 検察は強調しました。荷物を預けたコートの男が待合室の方へ立ち去った時間を最も強く。 The porter was emphatic. 'It was not a minute later than 6.15,' he averred. 「証言者のポーターがハッキリと断言しました」『6時15分より1分も遅れていません』 "Sir Arthur Inglewood still had no questions to… Read more: driver's testimony#19『The Old Man in the Corner』 with Japanese translation