Story with Japanese translation

So the blower got down and went with them, and after a time they came to a man standing on one leg, and the other had been taken off and was lying near him.

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: ブロワーが
  • predicate: くわわる
  • modifier: かれらの・なかまに


  • modifier: かれらが・しばらく・すすむ
  • subject: かたあしの・おとこが
  • predicate: いる


  • subject: もうかたほうの・あしが
  • predicate: おく
  • modifier: そのおとこの・ちかくに


“You seem to have got a handy way of resting yourself,” said the leader to the man.

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: あなたは
  • predicate: やすむ
  • modifier: きように


“I am a runner,” answered he, “and in order to keep myself from going too fast I have taken off a leg, for when I run with both, I go faster than a bird can fly.”

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: かれが
  • predicate: こたえる
  • subject: じぶんが
  • predicate: ランナー・はやい
  • modifier: はしると・とりよりも


“Oh, go with me,” cried the leader, “five of us together may well stand against the world.”

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: リーダーが
  • predicate: さそう
  • modifier: かれを・なかまに


So he went with them all together, and it was not long before they met a man with a little hat on, and he wore it just over one ear.

six soldiers of fortune
  • modifier: さきに・すすむと
  • subject: かれらが
  • predicate: であう
  • modifier: ちいさな・ぼうしを・かぶった・おとこに


  • subject: かれが
  • predicate: かぶる
  • modifier: そのぼうしを・かたほうの・みみに


“Manners! manners!” said the leader; “with your hat like that, you look like a jack-fool.”

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: リーダーが
  • predicate: いう
  • modifier: そのかぶりかたが・まぬけにみえる


“I dare not put it straight,” answered the other; “if I did, there would be such a terrible frost that the very birds would be frozen and fall dead from the sky to the ground.”

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: そのおとこが
  • predicate: こたえる
  • modifier: ぼうしを・きちんと・かぶると
  • subject: しもが
  • predicate: おりる
  • subject: とりが
  • predicate: おちる
  • modifier: そらから


“Oh, come with me,” said the leader; “we six together may well stand against the whole world.”

six soldiers of fortune
  • subject: リーダーが
  • predicate: さそう
  • modifier: かれを・なかまに


Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation