Closing the Shop #3『Clever Grethel』

Clever Grethel (Learn Japanese by reading stories)

So she ran to the window to see if her master and his guest were coming, but as she could see nobody she went back to her fowls.

Clever Grethel

subject with particle: かのじょは
dictionary form predicate: はしる
modifier: まどへ
predicate: たしかめる
modifier: マスターと・ゲストが・きていないか

subject: だれも
predicate: いない

"Why, one of the wings is burning!" she cried presently, "I had better eat it and get it out of the way."

Clever Grethel

subject: かたほうの・てばにくが
predicate: こげる

subject: わたしが
predicate: たべる・かたづける

So she cut it off and ate it up, and it tasted good, and then she thought,

Clever Grethel

subject: かのじょは
predicate: きりとる・たべる
modifier: てばにくを

"I had better cut off the other too, in case the master should miss anything."

Clever Grethel

subject: わたしは
predicate: きりとる
modifier: もうかたほうの・てばにくも・ごまかすために

And when both wings had been disposed of she went and looked for the master, but still he did not come.

Clever Grethel

modifier: りょうほうの・てばにくを・たべたあと
subject: かのじょは
predicate: さがす
modifier: マスターを

subject: かれは
predicate: こない
modifier: まだ

"Who knows," said she, "whether they are coming or not? they may have put up at an inn."

Clever Grethel

predicate: わからない
modifier: かれらが・くるのか・こないのか

And after a pause she said again, "Come, I may as well make myself happy, and first I will make sure of a good drink and then of a good meal, and when all is done I shall be easy; the gifts of the gods are not to be despised."

Clever Grethel

subject: わたしは
predicate: のむ・たべる
modifier: おいしいさけ・おいしいもの

So first she ran down into the cellar and had a famous drink, and ate up one of the fowls with great relish.

Clever Grethel

subject: かのじょは
predicate: のむ
modifier: おいしいさけを
predicate: たべる
modifier: かたほうの・とりにくを

And when that was done, and still the master did not come, Grethel eyed the other fowl, saying, "What one is the other must be, the two belong to each other, it is only fair that they should be both treated alike; perhaps, when I have had another drink, I shall be able to manage it."

Clever Grethel

subject: マスターは
predicate: あらわれる
modifier: まだ

subject: グレーテルは
predicate: たべる
modifier: のこった・とりにくも

So she took another hearty drink, and then the second fowl went the way of the first.

Clever Grethel

subject: かのじょは
predicate: のむ
modifier: べつのさけを
predicate: たべる
modifier: のこった・とりにくを

Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
Japanese grammar and condensed translation


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