Cook #1『Clever Grethel』Japanese translation

Story with Japanese translation

There was once a cook called Grethel, who wore shoes with red heels, and when she went out in them she gave herself great airs, and thought herself very fine indeed.

Clever Grethel
  • modifier: むかし
  • subject: グレーテルというなまえの・りょうりにん
  • predicate: いる


When she came home again, she would take a drink of wine to refresh herself, and as that gave her an appetite, she would take some of the best of whatever she was cooking, until she had had enough;—"for," said she, "a cook must know how things taste."

Clever Grethel
  • modifier: きたくしたとき
  • subject: かのじょ
  • predicate: のむ・しゅうかん
  • modifier: ワインを


  • modifier: ワインを・のむと・しょくよくが・わくので
  • subject: かのじょ
  • predicate: たべる・しゅうかん
  • modifier: じぶんのりょうりを


Now it happened that one day her master said to her,—
"Grethel, I expect a guest this evening; you must make ready a pair of fowls."

Clever Grethel
  • modifier: あるひ
  • subject: かのじょの・やといぬし
  • predicate: つげる
  • modifier: かのじょに・らいきゃくよていを
  • predicate: ちゅうもん・する
  • modifier: りょうりを


"Certainly, sir, I will," answered Grethel.

Clever Grethel
  • subject: グレーテル
  • predicate: しょうち・する
  • modifier: それを


So she killed the fowls, cleaned them, and plucked them, and put them on the spit , and then, as evening drew near, placed them before the fire to roast.

Clever Grethel
  • subject: かのじょ
  • predicate: じゅんび・する
  • modifier: とりにくを


  • subject: かのじょ
  • predicate: ひにかける
  • modifier: りょうりを・ゆうがたごろに


And they began to be brown, and were nearly done, but the guest had not come.

Clever Grethel
  • subject: おきゃく
  • predicate: あらわれる
  • modifier: りょうりが・やきあがりそうになっても


Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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