grinder #8『Hans in luck』

Story with Japanese translation

And when he reached the last village, he saw a knife-grinder with his barrow; and his wheel went whirring round, and he sang,

Hans in luck
  • modifier: さいごの・むらには
  • subject: ナイフの・とぎし
  • predicate: いる


"My scissors I grind, and my wheel I turn; And all good fellows my trade should learn, For all that I meet with just serves my turn."

Hans in luck
  • subject: とぎし
  • predicate: ほこる
  • modifier: じぶんの・しょくぎょうを・うたで


And Hans stood and looked at him; and at last he spoke to him and said, "You seem very well off, and merry with your grinding."

Hans in luck
  • subject: ハンス
  • predicate: はなしかける
  • modifier: とぎしに・ゆうふくそうにみえると


"Yes," answered the knife-grinder, "my handiwork pays very well. I call a man a good grinder who, every time he puts his hand in his pocket finds money there. But where did you buy that fine goose?"

Hans in luck
  • subject: とぎし
  • predicate: こたえる
  • modifier: もうかっていると


  • predicate: たずねる
  • modifier: ハンスに・そのガチョウを・どこでかったのか


"I did not buy it, but I exchanged it for my pig," said Hans.

Hans in luck
  • subject: ハンス
  • predicate: いう
  • modifier: ガチョウとブタを・こうかんしたのだと


"And the pig?"

Hans in luck
  • subject: とぎし
  • predicate: たずねる
  • modifier: そのブタを・どこでかったのか


"That I exchanged for a cow."

Hans in luck
  • subject: ハンス
  • predicate: こたえる
  • modifier: ブタとウシを・こうかんしたのだと


"And the cow?"

Hans in luck
  • subject: とぎし
  • predicate: たずねる
  • modifier: そのウシを・どこでかったのか


"That I exchanged for a horse."

Hans in luck
  • subject: ハンス
  • predicate: こたえる
  • modifier: ウシとウマを・こうかんしたのだと


"And the horse?"

Hans in luck
  • subject: とぎし
  • predicate: たずねる
  • modifier: そのウマを・どこでかったのか


"I gave for the horse a lump of gold as big as my head."

Hans in luck
  • subject: ハンス
  • predicate: こたえる
  • modifier: ウマと・きんのランプを・こうかんしたのだと


"And the gold?"

Hans in luck
  • subject: とぎし
  • predicate: たずねる
  • modifier: そのきんを・どこでかったのか


"Oh, that was my wage for seven years' service."

Hans in luck
  • subject: それ
  • predicate: わたしの・きゅうりょう


"You seem to have fended for yourself very well," said the knife-grinder.

Hans in luck
  • subject: とぎし
  • predicate: ほめる
  • modifier: ハンスを


"Now, if you could but manage to have money in your pocket every time you put your hand in, your fortune is made."

Hans in luck
  • modifier: いつでも・ポケットに・おかねがあれば
  • subject: しょうらい
  • predicate: あんたい


"How shall I manage that?" said Hans.

Hans in luck
  • subject: ハンス
  • predicate: たずねる
  • modifier: そのほうほうを


"You must be a knife-grinder like me," said the man.

Hans in luck
  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: すすめる
  • modifier: ハンスに・とぎしになることを


"All you want is a grindstone, the rest comes of itself: I have one here; to be sure it is a little damaged, but I don't mind letting you have it in exchange for your goose; what say you?"

Hans in luck
  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: ていあん・する
  • modifier: といしと・ガチョウの・こうかんを


Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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