good person #6『A Christmas Mistake』

Story with Japanese translation

"When I'm a man," announced Teddy with dignity, "I'd just like to see you put me in the porch. And I mean to have turkey all the time and I won't give you any, either."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: テディ
  • predicate: いう
  • modifier: えらそうに


  • when: おとなになったときに・ポーチにいれたら
  • subject: わたし
  • predicate: ゆるす
  • modifier: あなたを


  • subject: わたし
  • predicate: あげる(ひてい)
  • modifier: ターキーを・あなたに


"All right, you greedy small boy.

A Christmas Mistake
  • predicate: わかる


Only take yourself off to school now, and let us hear no more squeaks out of you.

A Christmas Mistake
  • predicate: いく
  • modifier: がっこうに


  • predicate: する
  • modifier: これいじょう・さわがしく


Tramp, all of you, and give Mother a chance to get her work done."

A Christmas Mistake
  • predicate: させる
  • modifier: かあさんに・しごとを


Mrs. Grant got up and fell to work at her dishes with a brighter face.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: ミセス・グラント
  • predicate: きがはれる


"Well, we mustn't give in; perhaps things will be better after a while.

A Christmas Mistake
  • modifier: もしかしたら
  • subject: じょうきょう
  • predicate: よい


I'll make a famous bread pudding, and you can boil some molasses taffy and ask those little Smithsons next door to help you pull it.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: わたし
  • predicate: つくる
  • modifier: おいしい・パンプディングを


  • subject: あなたたち
  • predicate: ゆでる
  • modifier: とうみつを
  • predicate: もとめる
  • modifier: りんじんの・スミスソンの・こどもたちに・たすけを


They won't whine for turkey, I'll be bound.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれら
  • predicate: いう(ひてい)
  • modifier: ぐちを


I don't suppose they ever tasted such a thing in all their lives.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれら
  • predicate: たべる
  • modifier: ターキーを


If I could afford it, I'd have had them all in to dinner with us.

A Christmas Mistake
  • modifier: もしも・よゆうがあったら
  • subject: わたし
  • predicate: よぶ
  • modifier: かれらを・ディナーに


That sermon Mr. Evans preached last Sunday kind of stirred me up.

A Christmas Mistake
  • modifier: ミスター・エヴァンスの・おせっきょうに
  • subject: わたし
  • predicate: えいきょう・される


He said we ought always to try and share our Christmas joy with some poor souls who had never learned the meaning of the word.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれ
  • predicate: いう
  • modifier: わたしたちは・クリスマスの・よろこびを・きょうゆうするべきだ


I can't do as much as I'd like to.

A Christmas Mistake


  • idiom: はがゆい

It was different when your father was alive."

A Christmas Mistake
  • modifier: あなたたちの・ちちが・いきていたときは
  • predicate: ちがう


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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