- Unfamiliar place #27『The Old Man in the Corner』 with nihongo“‘Well, your Honour,’ added the prisoner with noble frankness, ‘it was my first day in the old country. The Old Man in the Corner 「『裁判長、その日が私の、ヨーロッパでの初日でした』被告人が付け加えました」 I had come back after thirty years with my pockets full of gold, and this was the first sad tale I had heard; but I am a business man, and… Read more: Unfamiliar place #27『The Old Man in the Corner』 with nihongo
- A fresh mystery #26『The Old Man in the Corner』 with easy Japanese translation“A fresh mystery had cropped up. The Old Man in the Corner 「新たな謎が見つかりました」 Who, then, had made the assignation with William Kershaw at Fenchurch Street railway station? 「誰が、その時、フェンチャーチ・ストリート駅でウィリアム・カーショーと密会していたのでしょう?」 The prisoner gave a fairly satisfactory account of the employment of his time since his landing in England. 「被告人は納得のいく説明をしました。彼がイングランドに上陸してからの活動についての」 “‘I came over on the Tsarskoe Selo,’ he… Read more: A fresh mystery #26『The Old Man in the Corner』 with easy Japanese translation
- handwriting analysis #25『The Old Man in the Corner』 with easy Japanese translation“I assure you,” he resumed at last, “that at that very moment the whole mystery was, to me, as clear as daylight. The Old Man in the Corner コーナーの男がようやく話し始めました。「その時、私には、そのミステリーの全容が明らかとなりました」 I only marvelled how his Honour could waste his time and mine by putting what he thought were searching questions to the accused relating to his… Read more: handwriting analysis #25『The Old Man in the Corner』 with easy Japanese translation
- Forgetful person #24『The Old Man in the Corner』 with easy Japanese translation“Oddly enough he seemed to be a very absent-minded sort of person, for on this second occasion, no sooner had he left than the waiter found a pocket-book in the coffee-room, underneath the table. The Old Man in the Corner 「奇妙な事に、彼はとても忘れっぽい人だったようです。この二度目の来訪時にも、彼が去った後に、ウエイターが喫茶室でポケットブックを見つけたのですから。テーブルの下で」 It contained sundry letters and bills, all addressed to William Kershaw. 「ポケットブックには色々な手紙や証書が含まれていました。すべてウィリアム・カーショー宛の」 This pocket-book… Read more: Forgetful person #24『The Old Man in the Corner』 with easy Japanese translation