absent-minded man #8『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation "Yesterday," said Gordon, chuckling over the remembrance, "he came in with a big piece of paper he'd picked up on the entry floor in one hand and his hat in the other—and he stuffed his hat into the coal-scuttle and hung up the paper on a nail as grave as you […]
sensitive topic #7『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation The noisy group grew silent as they always did when their father was spoken of. A Christmas Mistake うるさい集団が静かになりました。 He had died the year before, and since his death the little family had had a hard time. A Christmas Mistake 父親は昨年亡くなっていました。 Keith, to hide his feelings, began to hector the rest. […]
good person #6『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation "When I'm a man," announced Teddy with dignity, "I'd just like to see you put me in the porch. And I mean to have turkey all the time and I won't give you any, either." A Christmas Mistake テディが偉そうに言いました。 「大人になった時に、ボクをポーチに入れたら許さないよ」 「ターキーをあげないぞ」 "All right, you greedy small boy. A Christmas Mistake 「わかったよ」 […]
filial son #5『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation "Don't cry, children, you make me feel worse. A Christmas Mistake 「泣かないで」 We are not the only ones who will have to do without a Christmas turkey. A Christmas Mistake 「クリスマスに、ターキーなしで過ごす家族は私たちだけではありません」 We ought to be very thankful that we have anything to eat at all. A Christmas Mistake 「私たちは食べる物がある事に感謝しなければなりません」 I hate […]
End of the world #4『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation The little Grants stood with open mouths and horrified eyes. A Christmas Mistake グラント家の子供たちは呆然となりました。 No turkey for Christmas! A Christmas Mistake ターキーが無いなんて! Was the world coming to an end? A Christmas Mistake 世界の終わりでしょうか? Wouldn't the government interfere if anyone ventured to dispense with a Christmas celebration? A Christmas Mistake クリスマスの祝賀会は法律で決まっていないのでしょうか? The […]
Hidden Truth #3『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation "And we're going to have turkey for dinner," declared Teddy, getting up off the floor and rushing to secure his share of bread and molasses, "and cranberry sauce and—and—pound cake! Ain't we, Ma?" A Christmas Mistake テディが断言した。 「私たちはディナーでターキーを食べるはずです」 "No, you are not," said Mrs. Grant desperately, dropping the dishcloth and snatching […]
The good thing about Christmas #2『A Christmas Mistake』
Story with Japanese translation Keith, the oldest boy, was coiled up on the sofa calmly working out some algebra problems, quite oblivious to the noise around him. A Christmas Mistake 長男のキースは勉強していました。 But he looked up from his slate, with his pencil suspended above an obstinate equation, to declaim with a flourish: A Christmas Mistake 彼は勉強の手を止めて熱弁しました。 […]
Good News #1『A Christmas Mistake』Japanese translation
Story with Japanese translation "Tomorrow is Christmas," announced Teddy Grant exultantly, as he sat on the floor struggling manfully with a refractory bootlace that was knotted and tagless and stubbornly refused to go into the eyelets of Teddy's patched boots. "Ain't I glad, though. Hurrah!" A Christmas Mistake 「明日はクリスマスだ」 テディ・グラントが喜びました。 His mother was washing the […]