The Rabbit’s Invitation #1『The Rabbit's Bride』Japanese translation

Story with Japanese translation

There was once a woman who lived with her daughter in a beautiful cabbage-garden; and there came a rabbit and ate up all the cabbages.

The Rabbit's Bride
  • modifier: むかし
  • subject: ひとりの・じょせいが
  • predicate: いる
  • modifier: むすめと・いっしょに・くらす・うつくしい・キャベツばたけに


  • subject: ウサギが
  • predicate: やってくる
  • predicate: たべる・あらす
  • modifier: キャベツを


At last said the woman to her daughter, “Go into the garden, and drive out the rabbit.”

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: そのじょせいが
  • predicate: いう
  • modifier: じぶんの・むすめに・ウサギを・おいはらえと


“Shoo! Shoo!” said the maiden; “don’t eat up all our cabbages, little rabbit!”

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: むすめが
  • predicate: いう
  • modifier: ウサギに・キャベツを・たべるなと


“Come, maiden,” said the rabbit, “sit on my tail and go with me to my rabbit-hutch.”

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: ウサギが
  • predicate: さそう
  • modifier: そのむすめを・じぶんのこやへ


But the maiden would not.

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: むすめは
  • predicate: いく


Another day, back came the rabbit, and ate away at the cabbages, until the woman said to her daughter, “Go into the garden, and drive away the rabbit.”

The Rabbit's Bride
  • modifier: べつのひ
  • subject: うさぎが
  • predicate: もどる
  • predicate: たべる・あらす
  • modifier: キャベツを


“Shoo! Shoo!” said the maiden; “don’t eat up all our cabbages, little rabbit!”

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: むすめが
  • predicate: いう
  • modifier: ウサギに・キャベツを・たべるなと


“Come, maiden,” said the rabbit, “sit on my tail and go with me to my rabbit-hutch.”

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: ウサギが
  • predicate: さそう
  • modifier: むすめを・じぶんのこやへ


But the maiden would not.

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: むすめは
  • predicate: いく


Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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