body double #3『The Rabbit's Bride』

Story with Japanese translation

But the bride wept and said nothing, and the rabbit went away, but very soon came back again.

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: はなよめ
  • predicate: こたえる(ひてい)


“Get up! Get up!” said he, “the wedding folk are waiting.”

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: ウサギ
  • predicate: はげます
  • modifier: はなよめを


But the bride wept and said nothing, and the rabbit went away.

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: はなよめ
  • predicate: こたえる


Then she made a figure of straw, and dressed it in her own clothes, and gave it a red mouth, and set it to watch the kettle of bran, and then she went home to her mother.

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: かのじょ
  • predicate: つくる
  • modifier: わらにんぎょうを
  • predicate: きせる
  • modifier: じぶんの・ふくを


  • subject: かのじょ
  • predicate: おく
  • modifier: にんぎょうを・なべのまえに
  • predicate: もどる
  • modifier: ははおやのもとへ


Back again came the rabbit, saying, “Get up! Get up!” and he went up and hit the straw figure on the head, so that it tumbled down.

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: ウサギ
  • predicate: もどる
  • predicate: はげます
  • modifier: かのじょを


  • modifier: かれが・にんぎょうを・たたくと
  • subject: にんぎょう
  • predicate: くずれる


And the rabbit thought that he had killed his bride, and he went away and was very sad.

The Rabbit's Bride
  • subject: ウサギ
  • predicate: かなしむ
  • modifier: はなよめが・なくなったとおもって


Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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