Once upon a time, many, many years ago, there lived a very old woman and her name was Mrs. Tubbs.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs
  1. modifier: ずっとむかしに
  2. subject: おばあさん
  3. predicate: くらす
  • 昔(むかし, long time ago)
  • 長生(ながいき, longevity)

She lived on a little farm, way off in the country.

  1. subject: かのじょ
  2. predicate: すむ
  • 田舎(いなか, countryside)
  • 農場(のうじょう, farm)

Her little house stood on the edge of the woods, not very far from a village with a little church, and a little river with a little bridge over it, flowed close by the house.

  1. subject: おがわ
  2. predicate: ながれる
  • 小川(おがわ, stream)
  • 村(むら, village)

There was a barn too for cows and horses, only the woman hadn’t any cows or horses; she lived all alone with a dog and a duck and a pig.

  1. subject: かのじょ
  2. predicate: ひとりぐらし
  • 小屋(こや, shed)
  • 一人暮らし(ひとりぐらし, living alone)

The dog’s name was Peter Punk, the duck’s name was Polly Ponk, and the pig’s name was Patrick Pink.


The old woman called them Punk, Ponk and Pink for short.


Punk and Ponk had known one another for many years and were very good friends.

  • 付き合い(つきあい, association)
  • 親友(しんゆう, best friends)

The pig they treated as a baby because they said he was very young and hadn’t much sense.

  • 赤ん坊扱い(あかんぼうあつかい, treating like a baby)
  • 幼くて(おさなくて, young)
  • 思慮(しりょ, consideration)

Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation