When they had everything ready they went and fetched Mrs. Tubbs and showed her the supper they had prepared. But the old woman would not eat anything but kept saying,

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs
  1. subject: おばあさん
  2. predicate: たべたがらない
  • 何もかも(なにもかも, everything)
  • 準備(じゅんび, preparation)
  • 用意(ようい, preparation/arrangement)
  • 夕食(ゆうしょく, dinner)

“Oh dear, oh dear! What shall I do? I am turned out of house and home, and me an old woman!”

  1. predicate: どうしよう
  • 歳を取る(としをとる, to grow old)
  • 追い出される(おいだされる, to be expelled/kicked out)

So they put her to bed in the cave, covered her over with leaves and placed Pink at her feet as a hot-water bottle. And presently she cried herself to sleep.

  1. subject: おばあさん
  2. predicate: ねむりにつく
  • 洞窟(どうくつ, cave)
  • 眠りにつく(ねむりにつく, to fall asleep)

Punk and Ponk now began to worry over what they should do with the old woman next.

  1. subject: パンクとポンク
  2. predicate: しんぱい

“She can’t stay here,” said Ponk. “That’s certain. You see, Punk, she isn’t eating anything. She is so upset and she is so old. What we’ve got to do is to find some way to turn that booby out of the farm so she can go back and live there.”

  1. subject: かのじょ
  2. predicate: たべない
  • 明白(めいはく, obvious)
  • 取り乱す(とりみだす, to be upset)
  • 暮らす(くらす, to live)

“Well, what shall we do?” said the dog.

  1. predicate: どうしよう

“I don’t just know yet,” Polly Ponk answered.

  1. predicate: わからない

“But in the morning before she wakes up, we must go back to the farm and see what can be done.”

  1. subject: わたしたち
  2. predicate: しらべる

Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation