The good thing about Christmas #2『A Christmas Mistake』

Story with Japanese translation

Keith, the oldest boy, was coiled up on the sofa calmly working out some algebra problems, quite oblivious to the noise around him.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: ちょうなんの・キースが
  • predicate: べんきょう・する


But he looked up from his slate, with his pencil suspended above an obstinate equation, to declaim with a flourish:

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かれが
  • predicate: ねつべん・する
  • modifier: べんきょうの・てをとめて


"Christmas comes but once a year, And then Mother wishes it wasn't here."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: かあさんは
  • predicate: きらい
  • modifier: クリスマスが


"I don't, then," said Gordon, son number two, who was preparing his own noon lunch of bread and molasses at the table, and making an atrocious mess of crumbs and sugary syrup over everything.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: わたしは
  • predicate: すき
  • modifier: クリスマスが


  • subject: じなんの・ゴードンが
  • predicate: つくる
  • modifier: まずそうな・りょうりを


"I know one thing to be thankful for, and that is that there'll be no school.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: がっこうが
  • predicate: やすみ


We'll have a whole week of holidays."

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: わたしたちは
  • predicate: うけとる
  • modifier: いっしゅうかんの・やすみを


Gordon was noted for his aversion to school and his affection for holidays.

A Christmas Mistake
  • subject: ゴードンは
  • predicate: きらい
  • modifier: がっこうが


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English Story With Easy Japanese Translation

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